Saturday, December 5, 2009

Today is the day to get ready!

Good morning friends,
Our Happy New You!challenge is ready to "roll" on Monday.
I am editing the video that will break down the "Challenge" in details.
Please watch the videos below for now. You've probably watched them before but I just want to make sure  that you understand who I am and how I will be able to help you.
One thing I will need from you before the challenge starts: sign up as a Team Beachbody Member (free or Club). I will not be able to Coach you without it. Just click here and get started. And don't forget: you don't need to use Beachbody Products to participate.
Have a wonderful morning!
Coach Eliana
(Team Beachbody Independent Coach)

Part 1- Who is your Coach? (CoachEliana)

Watch this video in High Definition (HD)

Part 2- Getting Started on WOWY (Online Super Gym)

Watch this video in High Definition (HD)

Part 3- Becoming a Team Beachbody Club Member

Watch this video in High Definition (HD)

Part 4- Becoming a Coach

Watch this video in High Definition (HD)

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