Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"Happy New You! Challenge"- Why Happy New You? Part 1 of 4

I guess we are ready to "officially" start our Challenge.
You will be receiving a 4-part video starting with the first one linked to this message, entitled: "Why Happy New You?"
This video describes the heart behind  the  "Happy New You! Challenge", and how I will help you to put it into practice.
Watch out for the other videos:
Part 2- Decide
Part 3- Commit 
Part-4 Succeed

Just a note: The "Happy New You" phrase is just a way that I found to help you to take action and celebrate YOU; today, tomorrow and in 2010. Please take this  into consideration when you watch this video.

I am posting links for some of the actions that I suggested here at the end of this video.
Please follow them because I will be sending invitations to workout at the Team Beachbody Website starting on Sunday, December 13th.
  1. Become a Member at Team Beachbody (to access your Online Super Gym). It is free!
  2.  Learn more about our Products.

God bless you, Eliana

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