Monday, December 28, 2009

12 Days of Fit-mas!

Hello everybody! I hope you had a fantastic Christmas Celebration.
Did you do like me? Did you eat a lot?
Let me tell you, I was defeated by my eyes and my stomach and I paid for it. I had a lousy weekend, and I didn't feel good at all.
But guess what? It doesn't matter because each day is a New Beginning! It is CHANGE TODAY FITNESS.
We have more to come this week, more parties and more food. Be encouraged and have fun! Celebrate the end of 2009 and welcome 2010. Happy New Year! Happy New You!
Be encouraged by this video today. It is called "12 Days of Fit-mas". It is quick, fun and inspiring...
Have a great day!

Don't forget to join Team Beachbody today! Just click here. I will be sending workout invitations this afternoon, and you will only receive them, if you are a Team Beachbody member. It is free!

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