Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year! Happy New You!

Welcome to Change Today Fitness. We are getting ready for the beginning of the New Year. Many of you have asked this question: When are we starting the Happy New You! Challenge? I answer: TODAY! It is your decision to get started and I will be your Coach during the process. Just come to this Facebook Page daily and/or read the e-mails or updates that I send you . Make sure you sign up as Team Beachbody member (FREE) so you can receive amazing accountability from me and others that are pursuing the same goal.

I will help you to get started and I will motivate you to Never Give Up! I am a Team Beachbody Coach and I will be talking about Beachbody Products, including our very well known P90X. You still can participate even if you are not using Beachbody products or if you are working out at your local Gym. Please browse the pages of this Website ( learn how everything works. These moments you'll invest in these pages will change your life.

God bless you,


Monday, December 28, 2009

12 Days of Fit-mas!

Hello everybody! I hope you had a fantastic Christmas Celebration.
Did you do like me? Did you eat a lot?
Let me tell you, I was defeated by my eyes and my stomach and I paid for it. I had a lousy weekend, and I didn't feel good at all.
But guess what? It doesn't matter because each day is a New Beginning! It is CHANGE TODAY FITNESS.
We have more to come this week, more parties and more food. Be encouraged and have fun! Celebrate the end of 2009 and welcome 2010. Happy New Year! Happy New You!
Be encouraged by this video today. It is called "12 Days of Fit-mas". It is quick, fun and inspiring...
Have a great day!

Don't forget to join Team Beachbody today! Just click here. I will be sending workout invitations this afternoon, and you will only receive them, if you are a Team Beachbody member. It is free!

Do you want to learn more about Shakeology? Click here

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Are you ready to workout today?

Last week I sent invitations to workout and yesterday I had almost 100 people confirmed to workout at different hours of the day. Everybody was located in different parts of the country and they/you did it! What an accomplishment! To add to that, I had a Turbo Sculpt Class at the Gym where I had almost 30 people working out hard and having fun. Thank you for responding to these invitations. If you are not a member of WOWY (Work Out With You- Online super Gym) do it now, so you can start to receive them.
To sign up at WOWY just follow the link below. (It is free and you don't need to use Beachbody Products to participate!)

Click here to get started!

Please follow this link below to sign up at WOWY (Team Beachbody) for free with Coach Eliana.
Get healthy with Coach Eliana Now!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"Happy New You! Challenge"- Decide Part 2 of 4

Looking for a Christmas gift for you and your loved ones? Why don't you give the gift of FIT-Mas?

Learn the reason why Coach Eliana made a decision in her life to help her friends, family and, anyone that she knows, on how to succeed in their health and fitness goals.

If you missed "Happy New You! Challenge"- Why Happy New You? Part 1 of 4 please go to CHANGE TODAY FITNESS on Facebook or to my blog:

1- Become a Member at Team Beachbody (to access your Online Super Gym). It is free!
2- Learn more about our Products.

"Happy New You! Challenge"- Why Happy New You? Part 1 of 4

I guess we are ready to "officially" start our Challenge.
You will be receiving a 4-part video starting with the first one linked to this message, entitled: "Why Happy New You?"
This video describes the heart behind  the  "Happy New You! Challenge", and how I will help you to put it into practice.
Watch out for the other videos:
Part 2- Decide
Part 3- Commit 
Part-4 Succeed

Just a note: The "Happy New You" phrase is just a way that I found to help you to take action and celebrate YOU; today, tomorrow and in 2010. Please take this  into consideration when you watch this video.

I am posting links for some of the actions that I suggested here at the end of this video.
Please follow them because I will be sending invitations to workout at the Team Beachbody Website starting on Sunday, December 13th.
  1. Become a Member at Team Beachbody (to access your Online Super Gym). It is free!
  2.  Learn more about our Products.

God bless you, Eliana

Monday, December 14, 2009


I want to thank all of you who worked out on W.O.W.Y Online Super Gym this morning with me. WOWY stands for (Work Out With You). Accountability is the Key to your accomplishments.

If you have not signed up as a Team Beachbody member yet, click here to get started. It is free to participate. (It is the only way I can keep track of your progress)

As we get our "Happy New You! Challenge" going, I want to introduce you to someone who is just starting her own transformation. Her name is Terri Lipsey, and she will be sharing her journey with us for the next 90 days while she goes through P90X workouts.
She became a Coach herself, not because she had everything figured out about fitness, but because she knew that as she started to change her body and lifestyle, she would inspire others to do the same.
If you are interested in becoming a Coach, click here or contact me.
Watch this video that chronicles Terry's Day One, and I will be bringing her updates weekly.
She made a Decision to get started. What about you? The "Happy New You! Challenge" videoPart 2 (Decide) is coming tomorrow.I will be sharing a little bit how I DECIDED to embark on my own journey towards fitness, and I hope it will inspire you. Have you seen Part 1 yet? There is where I describe the reason behind the "Happy New You! Challenge". To see the "Happy New You Challenge" video part 1, please click here.

God bless all of you,
PS; Remember to check your Updates located right under your Inbox on Facebook or come to the CHANGE TODAY FITNESS Page on FACEBOOK daily to find out what is happening.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

We need to be accountable to each other. I want to help you!

How are you today? Are you getting ready to get your physical body ready for the New Year? The "Happy New You!" Challenge will start soon but please make sure you get started by becoming a Team Beachbody Member (It is free and it will get you going!!!)
Click here to get started!

Please follow this link below to sign up at WOWY (Team Beachbody) for free with Coach Eliana.
Get healthy with Coach Eliana Now!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Coach Eliana has a quick update for you

I wanted to let you know that I've been posting some updates on the Change Today Fitness page, but you probably are not getting them. Find out how to get your updates daily by watching this quick video that I just shot early this morning.
God bless you, Eliana

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Today is the day to get ready!

Good morning friends,
Our Happy New You!challenge is ready to "roll" on Monday.
I am editing the video that will break down the "Challenge" in details.
Please watch the videos below for now. You've probably watched them before but I just want to make sure  that you understand who I am and how I will be able to help you.
One thing I will need from you before the challenge starts: sign up as a Team Beachbody Member (free or Club). I will not be able to Coach you without it. Just click here and get started. And don't forget: you don't need to use Beachbody Products to participate.
Have a wonderful morning!
Coach Eliana
(Team Beachbody Independent Coach)

Part 1- Who is your Coach? (CoachEliana)

Watch this video in High Definition (HD)

Part 2- Getting Started on WOWY (Online Super Gym)

Watch this video in High Definition (HD)

Part 3- Becoming a Team Beachbody Club Member

Watch this video in High Definition (HD)

Part 4- Becoming a Coach

Watch this video in High Definition (HD)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Are you ready to target your ABS?

Good morning friends!
I am preparing a video for our "Happy New You! challenge, but as I was visiting my Beachbody Coach website, I came across this video that shows our newest workout DVD set, REVABS, on Good Morning America. REVABS is actually one of the programs that will be part of my challenge.
Check it out! If you decide to learn more click here.
I will be speaking to you soon!
Have a great day!
God bless you,

Coach Eliana

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Happy New You! challenge- Getting prepared

Hello everybody! The Happy New You! challenge will start next week but before we get started with anything, I need you to sign up as Team Beachbody member. You can choose a Free Membership or a paid membership (only $2.99 a week). The reason you need to do this, is that the Team Beachbody website is the only place where I can keep track of you, your workouts and your goals. This way I can assist you better. You will also be eligible to win prizes everyday just for working out.(A little bit of cash or prizes don't hurt!), and you don't need to use Beachbody Products to participate.

I've been tracking my clients for more than a year and I see that the ones that make the commitment to the Team Beachbody Club (free or paid) are more successful.

Please do it now by following this link: and click on Join.

Watch this video to learn about the Club Membership

I will be back later with the Game Plan!!!

I am getting ready to teach a class in 45 minutes. Talk to you later.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy New You! Are you ready for the Challenge?

Tune in tomorrow for more information.
Happy New You! challenge will start next week, on Monday, December 7th.
For you to become familiar with Beachbody and my services to you, please watch this video that will introduce you to the company and the products we offer.
They are life changing and I cannot wait until you become the next "Success Story".
Have a great day!

Don't forget; you don't need Beachbody Products to get started.

Coach Eliana

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Welcome to Change Today Fitness!

Hi everybody, I am so glad you decided to take this journey. I am very excited for you and for me!!! You will keep me accountable to my own journey.
I wanted to share with you Today's video from BNN (Beachbody Network News).
I want it to inspire you and it is for you to see that regular people like you and I can achieve real results if we are committed to.
Watch this video below and get inspired.
God bless you,
Your Coach