Tuesday, January 7, 2014

P90X3 Challenge Day 1- Total Synergistics and Day 2- Agility X

I started my P90X3 journey yesterday and I can say that it has been such an accomplishment to actually start and finish a P90X workout. If You are familiar with P90X and P90X2, they can both be a little bit too long. Not this one! Thirty Minutes in and out! You work hard and you are done! 
Yesterday I did Total Synergistics. It is a total body workout and all the movements included in this routine target the core and everything else. It was exactly what I needed. I had some balancing issues but I managed to finish it.
Today the workout was Agility X. The movements were set to 1 minute each and even though it included some plyometric bursts, I kept everything low-impact. When the workout was done, I was definitely wasted but feeling incredible. I am glad I had my recovery drink and that Tony Horton kept me entertained all the way! 
Tomorrow is Yoga X. I  am not a Yoga kind of person but I am looking forward to 30 minutes of pure"joy"and pain! 
Now it is time to drink some Shakeology! What about you? What was your workout for today? http://GetFitWithEliana.com

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