
Friday, December 31, 2010

10 Fit Tips for the Holidays

10 Fit Tips for the Holidays

By Donna Richardson Joyner, creator of Body Gospel®
The holidays are a time of excess—lots of parties and lots of spending. But it isn't just the credit card debt that many people are trying to shed in the New Year. It's also those excess pounds! With all the family gatherings, office parties, and Christmas celebrations, it can be easy to gain 5 to 10 pounds between Thanksgiving and January.
Donna Richardson Joyner leading a Body Gospel® workout
Don't fret. Here are my Festive and Fit tips that will have you fabulous and fit during the holidays and looking and feeling great into the New Year:

Fitness Tips:

  1. When you're out at a holiday party, don't just dance for one song—stay on the dance floor and be a dancing machine. Extra points for doing the moonwalk in your "'Tis the Season" stilettos!
  2. Before shopping at the mall, put on your comfortable shoes so when you get there you can walk a couple of laps around the mall then purchase your goodies. Warning: sprint through the food court so that you won't stop to smell the combination of pizza, chicken, chili dogs, and cinnamon rolls.
  3. Ignore valet parking and don't waste your time driving around for 20 minutes for a close parking spot. Park and walk. Once inside, make a conscious choice to take the stairs. If you do take the stairs, you have the right to give a judgmental slow shake of the head directed at the people riding the escalator.
  4. Dance ClubFor those who love Christmas caroling, add some movement. Sing, move, and get your groove on. If you want to turn the speed up a notch, I suggest working out to A Chipmunk Christmas.
  5. Give your loved ones gifts that will keep their hearts healthy and their buns blessed. For example: Body Gospel fitness program, walking shoes, a pair of weights, or sessions with a trainer. That will beat a fruitcake, a pair of fuzzy slippers, or a Chia Pet® any day of the week!

Nutrition Tips:

  1. Eat a healthy snack before you leave the house to go to a holiday party or the grocery store. If you don't, you could find yourself filling your basket or your tummy with stuff you would normally pass up.
  2. Make sure when you leave for the party you're not empty-handed. Keep your hands full with holding a purse, camera, cell phone . . . anything that will keep you from holding food or a drink—unless it's water.
  3. When you do eat at the gathering, grab a small plate; think small portions; and once you have your plate of food, stay far away from the table of temptation. And that doesn't mean pile the food onto the small plate. Here's a rule: If you're holding a salad plate at the height of your stomach and food is rubbing against your chin . . . you've got way too much!
  4. Leftover Food in ContainersJust politely say no to Aunt Betty when she wants to load you down with doggie bags of leftover ham, macaroni and cheese, and sweet potato pie. But say yes if she asks if she's prying about wanting to know when you're going to get married and have children.
  5. Remember to hydrate and keep in mind that certain drinks (especially caffeinated and alcoholic ones) will dehydrate you. So drink up, yes, but make it H20. Scope out the bathrooms so that you won't risk making that uncomfortable wandering search while doing the "Potty Shuffle."
Related Articles

Monday, December 20, 2010

Eat More, Lose More. (Really?)

Eat More, Lose More. (Really?)

By Justine Holberg
You work out practically every day and you're feeling good because you've lost some weight. Until a week or so passes and you can't get the scale to budge. It's like an invisible wrench has been thrown into the works. Now what?
You start second-guessing everything you're doing:
  • Maybe I'm eating too much?
  • Should I work out harder?
  • Do I have to live on parsley and hot water?
Utensils next to a Scale
So you restrategize. You slash calories and step up the intensity of your workouts. Unfortunately, after another week, you're still not losing. Now you want to give up altogether. But before you throw in the towel, ask yourself this:

Am I eating enough?

Contrary to popular belief, sometimes you have to eat more to lose weight. While that may sound counterintuitive, it often does the trick. Here's why:
  1. Couple EatingMetabolism is the key to weight loss. If you don't eat enough, or often enough, your metabolism slows to a crawl and weight loss becomes more difficult, especially when you're exercising. That's why skipping meals isn't a good idea if the goal is to shed pounds.

    Tip: Always eat breakfast to kick-start metabolism and try eating mini-meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism fired up.
  2. To keep your metabolism up, you MUST eat. Conventional wisdom dictates that when you first start dieting, the less you eat, the better. While it's true that you often should eat less, eating too little can backfire over time. As your body composition changes, your body will think it's starving, which can make it hold on to fat. (The process actually has to do with excessive release of a hormone called cortisol, but you don't need to know the details, so we'll just call it fat.) To avoid this, most experts agree that over time, you shouldn't eat fewer than 1,200 calories per day for women, 1,500 for men. If your daily diet consists of fewer calories than that, consider eating more.

    Tip: Keep a food diary to track calories.
  3. You need more calories when you work out. If you're exercising while following a low-calorie eating plan, you'll need to take into account the calories you're burning. That's because it's now easier to enter starvation mode. Let's say you're burning 400 calories and only eating 1,200 to 1,300 calories per day. This means you're really only taking in 800 to 900 calories per day before you begin to calculate how your body composition is changing. Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does, so as your body changes, you need to eat more to keep the weight loss coming.

    Tip: Drink an after-workout recovery drink like P90X Results and Recovery Formula®. After hard workouts, its calories are utilized so quickly by your body, some people refer to them as "free calories." They aren't, but they will ensure your muscles, hence, your metabolism will recover quickly.
And remember this:
Team Beachbody®—My Meal PlannerFiguring out to what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat isn't easy. That's why people often refer to losing weight as a journey. It takes a few different paths to get there. Sometimes you have to adjust your ratio of protein, fat, and carbs to start losing again. Or adjust your calorie level, which can include eating more to lose weight.
Tip: Use the Team Beachbody® Meal Planner. It can make figuring out your calories much, much easier. You can personalize an eating plan that takes your workouts into consideration.
Finally, if you're still on the fence about needing to eat more to lose weight. You might be thinking, "How come I know some really skinny people who barely eat?"
The answer is this: You can eventually lose weight by not eating. It's called starving. Reduce calories enough and your body will start breaking down its muscle tissue, and this will result in weight loss. However, it makes your body increase its emergency hormonal responses, which also causes your body to be stressed and hang onto fat, making it.very easy to gain the weight back again.
So I hope you take this thought away with you today: The idea is to keep your metabolism revving and running. This will help you get healthy and stay strong. Eat the right amount of food to help your body continuously burn calories, and you're more likely to shed those unwanted pounds.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

No Time to Work Out? 7 Ways to Find the Time

No Time to Work Out? 7 Ways to Find the Time

Monica Ciociola
TimeThe perceived lack of time is one of the main reasons people on the Message Boards give for not exercising regularly. Even those of you who have discovered the wonders of in-home fitness still find it difficult to juggle work, family, and fitness—especially during the holiday season. We hear you asking for help, and here are 7 smart ways to find more time for your workouts.
  • Shop OnlineShop online. Now that you can basically order anything and everything over the Internet and have it delivered, consider doing your holiday shopping this way. Most major retailers have online stores, and provide gift-wrapping services along with shipping options. So there's no need to go to the mall or the post office.
  • Farm out some chores. Try dropping off your laundry—especially if you're already going to the laundromat. You'll find that it doesn't cost that much more.
  • LaundryWake up 30 minutes earlier. Work out before heading to the office. A little trick for waking up faster is to touch your toes as soon as you open your eyes, bringing blood to you head so you feel alert more quickly. After your workout, you'll be more energized for the day ahead and hardly notice the lost sleep. Working out in the morning as opposed to midday or at night also saves you the double cost of showering, getting dressed, and making yourself beautiful.
  • FamilyMake it a family affair. Mike Y. and his wife Christine and daughter Samantha made shedding pounds with the Power 90® program a family activity. By working out together at 5:30 AM each day, before getting ready for work and school, they managed to get in both some family time and exercise. They became Success Stories and were invited to Hawaii to star in the Power 90 TV show. It may be a little more difficult for you right now, with everyone's schedule crammed with holiday events, but working out together as a family ensures a built-in support system, and that support is crucial when you're trying to keep your fitness goals on track.
  • MealsPrepare meals in advance. Try to get most of your meal preparation for the week done over the weekend. That means washing all your lettuce, veggies, herbs, fish, and poultry up front, and stocking complete salads-in-a-bag to take to work. You can also prepare individual slices of poultry and fish and a variety of veggies for dinner. Also make vats of soup, pasta, and brown rice that you'll be able to microwave throughout the week. Filling up on healthy meals and having low-fat, good-for-you snacks readily available at work will reduce the temptation to sample the goodies at the office—the gingerbread cookies, chocolates, and inevitable fruitcakes.
  • Take your DVDs with you. If you're traveling over the holidays, make sure you pack your favorite fitness DVDs along with your laptop so you can work out wherever you are, whether it's at your in-laws', your friend's house, or in a hotel room.
  • 20 Minute WorkoutPop in a 20-minute workout. Beachbody® makes some superfast and effective workouts for when you're seriously short on time. Try the Turbo Jam® 20-Minute Workout for an excellent calorie-blasting session and the Great Body Guaranteed!™ collection to focus on specific trouble areas in even less than 10 minutes. Look out for Tony Horton's all-new 10-Minute Trainer program launching in January—just give Tony 10 minutes and he'll give you incredible results! No more excuses—now you can always find the time to squeeze in a 10-minute workout . . . And the rewards stretch far beyond that to stronger bones and muscles, a sharper mind, and a lower risk of cancer and diabetes. And remember, working out reduces stress. You'll enjoy the holidays much more if you're healthy and energized.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Recession-Proof Ingredients

Cooking meals at home is a healthy way to save money in these tough economic times, but which ingredients should you buy? We’ll show you which common groceries will support your budget and your fitness goals. Become a Team Beachbody FREE member and start your body transformation today!
If you have problems seeing this video, please click here.

Monday, November 29, 2010

How to Measure your transformation

Measuring your transformation takes more than numbers on a scale. Learn how to take a simple set of body measurements that will help you quantify how far you’ve come on your fitness journey. Become a Team Beachbody FREE member and start your body transformation today!
If you cannot see this video please click here.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

How to Photograph your transformation

The year 2011 is almost here and for sure you are getting ready for a total physical makeover. Prepare to get your PhD in transformation photography, because before” and after photos are Beachbody's bread and butter. Learn how to take the perfect set of transformation photos to showcase your results. Become a Team Beachbody FREE member and start your body transformation today!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Pull-Ups! Don't be afraid of them!

They’re a part of any of Tony Horton's fitness programs (p90X, Power 90, 10-Minute Trainer) and they’re the exercise people find the most difficult But fear not. Tony is here to help you conquer pull-ups You may struggle with them now, but you can do them!
Join the Team Beachbody Club now to learn more tips from your favorite trainer including: Shaun T (Insanity- Hip Hop Abs), Chalene Johnson (Turbo-Jam, Turbo-Fire, ChaLean Extreme) and Debbie Siebers (Slim in 6).

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Kitchen clean out!

Clean out your kitchen to eliminate the bad foods that will slow down your transformation.
Download the Take Away Tips for more information on unprocessed carbohydrates.
Find out how to become a Team Beachbody member and get your own "Thin Kitchen Tips"

Monday, November 22, 2010

8 Tips for Avoiding the Holiday Pounds

8 Tips for Avoiding the Holiday Pounds

By Stephanie S. Saunders and the Team Beachbody
It's that time of year. The leaves turn majestic hues of red and gold. The air becomes fresh and crisp. We can finally put an extra blanket on the bed and cuddle up with a cup of hot tea. Yes, it's fall. We just spent 8 months killing ourselves to get into that bathing suit, but now we've replaced it with a worn pair of jeans and a much more relaxed attitude towards food. After all, it's the holiday season, and no one'll notice a few extra pounds under layers of clothes. A little extra weight just gives us a New Year's resolution to focus on, right?
Wrong. According to a recent study by researchers at Sweden's Linköping University, those 4 weeks of celebrating can actually lead to long-term weight gain.
Feet on a Scale
Essentially, the researchers took a group of healthy young people, increased their caloric intake by 70 percent, and lowered their exercise levels. They also had a control group whose diets weren't altered. At 4 weeks, the participants in the test group had gained an average of 14 pounds. After 6 months, and no longer on an increased-calorie diet, only a third of these participants had returned to their original weight. After 1 year, the test group members were each still an average of 3.3 pounds heavier. After 2.5 years, the "gluttonous" group continued to gain, while the control group still maintained a stable weight.
Now, most of us don't increase our calories that drastically for 30 days straight. Sure, there's Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving leftovers, Hanukkah, the work Christmas party, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day, not to mention the extra sweets, cocktails, and (ahem) fruitcake. But according to the New England Journal of Medicine, the actual average weight gain over the holidays is only 1 pound. (They obviously didn't poll my family or friends.) So what's the big deal? The problem is, a year later, the vast majority of people have not removed that pound. Continue this pattern over 30 or 40 holiday seasons and the problem becomes—quite literally—huge.
So how are we supposed to get through the holidays without causing weight gain? Here are eight effective ways to get yourself ready to beat the holiday bulge.
  1. Buy clothes that fit right now. This first tip might be a bit pricy, but it's a great motivational aid in staving off weight gain. A new addition to your wardrobe in a size that shows off your summer body can be all you need to prevent those extra pounds from creeping on. Imagine that beautiful holiday dress or great pair of pants, then imagine being unable to zip them up thanks to sugar cookies. Yeah, no one wants that. So before you begin the festivities, go buy yourself something perfect to wear to your parties and hang it someplace visible, so it serves as a constant reminder. Perhaps on the TV where you play your P90X® videos, or in front of that treadmill that might be starting to collect a little dust in the corner, or on your refrigerator door . . . that way, if it doesn't fit quite the same way the next time you try to slip into it, you know it's time to get back to work.
  2. WritingWrite it down. We try to write down everything we eat, right? We spend hours each month staring at a food diary, adding up our calories, and seeing if we got the correct balance of macronutrients. And then the holidays happen, and our little book ends up in the bottom drawer. It's almost like we're hoping that if we didn't write it down, it didn't happen. Unfortunately, the scale doesn't fit in that bottom drawer. The truth is, if we would write down the not-so-perfect meals and treats, we could find a way to compensate for it, at least a bit. For example, you have a peppermint brownie in the break room at work, which you know is carbohydrates and fat. Eat one less portion of carbohydrate and one less portion of fat for your dinner. It's not ideal, but it'll help. Or perhaps you couldn't resist Mom's homemade scones for breakfast. You could plan on an extra 20 or 30 minutes of your workout tonight. The point is, if we write it down, and do the math, we can lessen the damage. It isn't a good long-term plan, but to help compensate for a few slip-ups, it can help.
  3. Keep exercising. Most fitness trainers will tell you the slowest point of their year is between Thanksgiving and New Year's. Sure, their clients schedule workouts with the best of intentions, but then they cancel them for parties and gift shopping. It's hard to remain balanced when you have a million things to do and gifts to buy. Yet the greatest gift you can give yourself is to stay focused on your fitness goals and get your workout in. Shopping getting in the way? Do it online and save some time. Parties getting in the way? Just show up later. Who cares if everyone else is a couple of cocktails ahead of you? You'll be healthier, and you won't have to worry about the embarrassing YouTube®videos in the morning. Just stay consistent, even if it's inconvenient. You'll be much less likely to look like Santa (both belly-wise and red-nose-wise) at the end of the month.
  4. People EatingEat before partiesMost holiday parties don't focus on low-fat, low-calorie refreshments, so unless you're organizing the event, the best damage control is to show up with a full tummy. Make sure you eat your meals and snacks throughout the day, and try to eat a healthy meal before attending any party. If you're going straight from work, prepare a healthy and filling snack to eat on the way. You'll be a lot less likely to swim in mayonnaise dips and pigs in blankets if you're full.
  5. Get junk out of the houseThe majority of people don't get into the car at midnight, drive to the store, buy the ingredients for cookies, bake them, and then stay up to eat them. But if those homemade cookies that Linda in accounting made for you are already on your kitchen counter, you better believe you'll find a way to justify it. Frankly, at 12:30 AM, after a rotten day, for most of us there's nothing like a few cookies to drown our sorrows. The secret is to get the enticements out of the house. Send them to work with your significant other, donate them to a bake sale, regift them to your 100-pound friend with the perfect metabolism, or just dump them in the trash. Linda will never know. If you have holiday dinner leftovers, box them up for your guests individually and send them home with them. If your family still sends you that Pepperidge Farm®cookie assortment, invite a bunch of people over for a pre-party party and serve 'em up before the drinks. Don't be more wasteful than you have to, but get the less-than-healthy temptations out of your reach.
  6. Two Women Preparing a MealOffer to prepare healthy fare. This suggestion won't be well received by those of us who'd rather spend Thanksgiving sitting around watching football than toiling in the kitchen, but if you do the cooking, you have the control. Your family could have a tasty and satisfying meal without ingesting thousands of calories and fat grams. The way the turkey is prepared, the type of stuffing, how vegetables are made, whether the cranberries are real, and countless other things can make or break the healthiness of a meal. There are tons of cookbooks out there, plus recipes in this and past newsletters, that can help you out. Yes, it does require a bit of work. But you work out with Beachbody® fitness programs. You can do anything.
  7. Choose wisely and proportionallySomething occurs during a holiday meal. It's like a Las Vegas buffet—we feel like we have to eat some of everything. We feel almost like those foods will never exist again, and this is our last meal on the planet. This year, why not try to eat only your favorites, as in two or three items, and keep the portions to the size of your palm? If you're still hungry, try to fill up on veggies (preferably ones that aren't drowned in butter or cream-of-mushroom soup). If you want dessert, lean toward a small slice of pumpkin pie (220 calories) as opposed to pecan (a heftier 543), leaving out the hydrogenated nondairy whipped topping if possible. If you're going to have an alcoholic beverage, go with a flute of champagne (100 calories) as opposed to that rum-laced eggnog (with more than four times more calories, at 420). Just a few wise choices will save you a ton of calories, and probably a significant amount of heartburn as well.
  8. Person with Face in HandsDon't beat yourself up. Quite possibly the worst thing you can do is beat yourself up over a bit of holiday indulgence. Yes, it does stink to backslide after working your tail off. But sometimes it doesn't stink as much as dealing with your mother when you turn down her brisket and potato pancakes. Sometimes, we don't have time to go to work, buy a Christmas tree, decorate it with our kids, make dinner, oversee homework, tuck kids in bed, and spend an hour doing INSANITY®. We can only do our very best. Mentally berating yourself will only make you feel worse, which never helped anyone get back to their fitness program. So if you happen to gain that one extra pound this holiday season, be part of the rare group who actually follows through with their New Year's resolution and manages to shed it again. A week of hard work and a slight calorie deficit should do the trick. Resolutions don't come easier than that!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Insanity Workout Review 1- Fit Test


When I first watched the INSANITY infomercial on TV, it intimidated me. I saw those young 20-30 year-olds challenging themselves to the extreme, and my question was: what exactly can INSANITY do for a 44 year old woman?
INSANITY pushed me over and above anything I believed was feasible with mind blowing cardio and plyometric drills and non-stop intervals of strength, power and resistance.  Further more, ab and core training techniques allowed me to get incredible results really fast.
It was very challenging and sometimes I thought I would never make it, but I persevered and I did it!

The Fit Test DVD was a complete workout! To start, Shaun put my body to the test and I saw what I was made of. Intensity, fun, challenge, sweat, feelings of accomplishment; all these things came to me while I was going through the Fit Test.

 So, what is Insanity?

INSANITY is a 60-day cardio-based total-body conditioning program that’s probably the most extreme exercise routine ever before put on DVD. Physical fitness expert Shaun T drew on his collegiate track and field training plus his following quite a few years of expertise being a professional trainer to produce a program that requires total-body conditioning to an extraordinary level.
P90X stands out as the top level strength training workout, INSANITY is the peak of cardio training.
For more information on INSANITY workouts go to:
If you cannot watch this video please go to:


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Chocolate Delight for every day of the month. Just add Shakeology®.

It is the Ultra Premium Health Shake – The healthiest meal of the day!
It will help boost energy, improve digestion, reduce cravings and helps you lose weight. It’s more nutritious than a salad and tastes like a desert! So, how does it work?
It is a potent nutrient vitamin therapy system
Derived from whole foods, it nourishes and revitalizes at the cellular level – meaning the nutrient penetrates the cell walls to repair damage. And it helps restore balance and energy to your whole body.
So, What could be better than a 30-day calendar of delicious Shakeology recipes? Probably nothing. That's why Beachbody made this recipe guide for you! Perfect for your fridge or easy reference on-the-go.
A Chocolate Delight for every day of the month. Just add Shakeology®.
Click on the picture below and download this calendar to your computer.
If you cannot see it, please click here.
shakeology_recipe_calendar-30_days_of_recipes-1 Chocolate Eliana's Website cropped copy
To learn more about Shakeology, please go to:

Saturday, November 6, 2010

What a wonderful date night...

I had a wonderful date night with my husband yesterday. Our daughter was not at home (sleep over), and we've decided to spend some quality time together... working out to Body Gospel Strength and Power DVD.
We usually have our workouts at different times (Don is currently doing P90X), and I am doing everything else...
But yesterday was special. The workout was like a party, even though it was hard. The music was incredible and great sweat just came out of us. The workout made us feel like we were in a very "lively church" with great Gospel music, great worship, an opportunity to Glorify God with our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), and spending an amazing time with each other.
Our date nights are usually a dinner and a movie. We had that, but we added a workout before the dinner and the movie, right here in our home. Exciting times!!! 
Thank you Lord for the opportunity to have spent some fun time with my husband while we worshiped you.
Eliana Dukes

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (New International Version) 
19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Introducing Team Beachbody - Start 2011 Fit: Physically and Financially.

The year 2011 is only sixty (60) days away and you’ll probably be making many new plans on January 1st. to make changes in different areas of your life, including your health and finances. Why wait until the New Year? Start your changes today!

Start a healthy year, physically and financially with Beachbody. 

Most of you are aware of P90X, Insanity, or Turbo Fire, but do you know what Beachbody is actually all about? Do you know what the mission of this company is, and how we, as customers and users of their products, might help those around us reach their goals and live healthy, fulfilling lives?

Carl Diakeler (the CEO of Beachbody) recognizes how valuable we are in assisting and encouraging those we care about with their goals, and he has come up with quite a few extraordinary rewards if we join with him in spreading the mission of the company: To assist others to achieve their goals and live healthy, fulfilling lives.

It’s not just about an opportunity to make money --It’s about a chance to change lives, giving people hope, and to partner with others to help them achieve goals they consider unreachable. People just need someone to believe in them.

Do you have friends, family or neighbors who you know would reap the benefits of a nutrition and fitness program? Watch this video and share this link with someone you care about.

Join my Team Beachbody today.

Please contact me, if you need any help.

Have you always wanted to own your own business? Beachbody has waived the $39.95 sign up fee until Dec 31st.

Watch the video below or click here

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

10 Minutes is all it takes!

If you are a mom and you"re watching this, and you think this is not something you can accomplish—believe me, it is.
In 2 months, I lost 24 pounds. I lost 6 inches off my waist I can actually go shopping for the first time in a really long Ume!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Warren's P90X Success Saves Sister's Life

Losing 90 lbs with P9OX was a blessing for Warren and his sister too.
Watch how losing the weight allowed him to save his sisters life with a
kidney donation she desperately needed

Thursday, September 16, 2010

How do you handle stress?

I have another way of handling stress besides of praying and spending time with my family: exercising!!!

Meet an ER doctor that does the same.

Paging Dr. Fit

Working as an ER doctor isn't anything like you're use to seeing on TV. And DR. Dale Christensen makes sure he's prepared for every possible situation by staying on top of his medical game. That includes studying and exercising regularly

Thursday, September 2, 2010

TurboFire DVDs- Behind the Scenes

You probably have seen the TurboFire infomercial on TV. TurboFire is the newest workout DVD offered by Beachbody.
I love TurboFire because is one of the most fun, exciting and effective workouts out there.
I have been a huge Turbo Jam fan for the last 5 years. I even got certifiend as a TurboKick instructor (the gym version of Turbo Jam).
 I was eagerly waiting for the new release of Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire was born.
Turbo Fire is a combination of Turbo Jam and Insanity in one workout.

Watch this behind the scenes preview and order your Turbo Fire today!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Kids and Obesity: what can we do?

Childhood obesity is on rise in America. I am a parent and I am very worried about what is going on in most of our schools in this country and worldwide: unhealthy eating and a sluggish lifestyle.
Meet a teacher in Tennessee that took this matter into her own hands and she started a Kids Fit Club in her school, using a workout DVD called: Shaun T's Fit Kids Club. (Shaun T is the creator of Insanity and Hip-Hop Abs workouts.)
Maybe you can get inspired and start your own Fit Kids Club in your school.
Find out about more about this DVD now!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Buy P90X now and get 2 free DVD workouts!

I know you’ve seen P90X infomercials on TV many times but I have great news! There is an even better reason to buy P90X from me! Starting now, when you buy from me through my website: , you'll get two FREE DVD workouts—a $40.00 bonus value. Here's what's included:

  • P90X
  • Plus, Fountain of Youth – Tony's favorite yoga moves in less time. Perfect for when you don't have the time to complete Yoga X.


  • Plus, Mammoth UML – Tony's ultimate Upper-Middle-Lower workout. Great for when you're on the road.

So here is the deal. When you are ready to Bring It, make sure you know to come to me for the best deal on P90X available anywhere!

Friday, June 11, 2010

P90X: Pumping Up Profits- A CNBC Segment

CNBC's Darren Rovell takes a look at a company making hundreds of millions of dollars by promising to get you buff the hard way.
To find out more about P90X go to:

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Body Gospel Review 1- Body Revival

Body Gospel Review- Body Revival DVD
I'm extremely excited because I've just received my Body Gospel package, and I decided to review each of the DVDs, so you can find out what is coming inside.
The first DVD I will talk about is Body Revival.
I tried Body Revival and I loved it. Body revival was not that easy, but it was challenging for beginners and advanced exercisers alike.

In every single DVD, you'll find someone who does the movements in an easier manner. One thing that differentiates Body Gospel from other exercise videos is the prayer that is included in the beginning of each of the DVDs.

In this particular video, Donna's prayer was for strength and endurance throughout the workout and that people would change from inside and out.

From the beginning of the workouts all the way to the end, I was sweating, worshiping, singing and dancing. I had a big smile on my face because everyone was having a fabulous time in the Lord together.
Body Gospel is for you if you're truly serious about changing your life and your body, and ready to be stronger in your walk with the Lord.
Here are some highlights from this DVD, and I hope you enjoy it. Keep watching for reviews of the other six DVDs.

To find out more about Body Gospel visit my site (, and if you order from me, you will receive 2 additional gifts to begin with, and you will receive other bonuses at a later time.