Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Are you ready to workout today?

Last week I sent invitations to workout and yesterday I had almost 100 people confirmed to workout at different hours of the day. Everybody was located in different parts of the country and they/you did it! What an accomplishment! To add to that, I had a Turbo Sculpt Class at the Gym where I had almost 30 people working out hard and having fun. Thank you for responding to these invitations. If you are not a member of WOWY (Work Out With You- Online super Gym) do it now, so you can start to receive them.
To sign up at WOWY just follow the link below. (It is free and you don't need to use Beachbody Products to participate!)

Click here to get started!

Please follow this link below to sign up at WOWY (Team Beachbody) for free with Coach Eliana.
Get healthy with Coach Eliana Now!!!

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