Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Don't Slip Your Flexibility Workouts!

If you skip your flexibility workouts, you will find yourself injured some day... I did! I used to skip my flexibility workouts and for almost 4 months, I spent my time on my back, due to back injury. I need flexibility workouts so badly! I am a certified Piyo instructor now and I have the pleasure and the privilege to do Piyo workouts on a daily basis. Piyo is flexibility and movement- it is not boring!!! It grabbed me because I am pretty hyper when it comes to workouts. I like music, movement, strength training, cardio, and now... flexibility. #PiYo  is not just Pilates & #Yoga. Everything I mentioned before is included in Piyo.  I cannot wait until June, when the Piyo Home DVD program will be released and available for everybody. Be the first to find out when PiYo is available! Plus, be entered to win a FREE PiYo Workout. Click on the link on my profile or go to:
#chalenejohnson #pilates #strengthtraining #cardio