Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Seasonal Summer Produce

Picnic with Fruit

Seasonal Summer Produce

By Cecilia H. Lee
Ah, summer! The word conjures up images of warm, lazy days sunning on the beach, running through sprinklers, and reclining in a hammock in the shade catching up on a good book. The start of summer is also good news for those of us who want to be able to squeeze into our bathing suits by eating all the fresh fruits and vegetables that are available during the season.
No matter where you live, these hot days are good for some delicious foods—which also happen to be good for you. Here's a list of some of the things you'll find in the produce aisle of your grocery store, or in your local farmers' market.
  • Apples. Different varieties come in season starting in mid- to late summer and right on through autumn. Be sure to eat them skin and all to get the best health benefits.
  • Apricots. Originally from China, apricots are not only delicious, but they're also a great source of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium. Look for fruits that are plump, firm, and uniform in color.
  • AvocadosAvocados. Though their seasons vary, summer is a good time to find ripe avocados in your local stores. High in monounsaturated fats, they also contain vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, plus a couple of those B vitamins.
  • Basil. Summer is the best season to enjoy this aromatic herb—a great ingredient to liven up pastas, sandwiches, or salads.
  • Blueberries. Rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients, a handful of these babies are great when you toss them into a low-fat smoothie or on top of some yogurt for a nutritious snack.
  • Carrots. Not only are carrots good road-trip snacks, they also have pro-vitamin A carotenes that can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Chard. Like spinach, chard is low in calories and contains phytonutrients including syringic acid, which inhibits carbs from breaking down into simple sugars, thus warding off issues like diabetes by keeping blood sugar steady.
  • CherriesCherries. Cherries are high in vitamin C and potassium, and if you go pick them yourself, you'll get the additional benefit of some good old-fashioned exercise.
  • Corn. A summer BBQ staple, its folate and B vitamins can contribute to improved cardiovascular health.
  • Cucumbers. Cucumbers are great for your skin, muscles, and connective tissue, plus they're chock-full of water, fiber, and vitamin C.
  • Eggplant. The beautiful purple skin found on these late-summer vegetables is good food for your brain.
  • Fennel. This Mediterranean bulb is rich in vitamin C and phytonutrients, especially anethole, which a 2000 University of Texas study showed to have some anti-cancer effects.
  • Figs. Fresh figs available during the hot months are a great source of potassium, which can help lower blood pressure.
  • Garlic. Volumes have been written on the benefits of this stinky bulb, which include how good it is for heart health and how its antiviral properties may be able to help keep us from getting sick.
  • GrapesGrapes. Great for snacking, they're low in calories and contain the heart disease-fighting phytonutrient resveratrol, normally associated with red wine.
  • Green beans. Steam these crisp vegetables for a healthy side dish that's filled with carotenoids, which are great for your heart and more.
  • Lemongrass. Used in Thai and Southeast Asian cooking, this citrusy herb is high in folic acid and has been shown to have antioxidant and disease-preventing properties.
  • Lettuce. Not all greens are equal, so go for the mixed greens, romaine, or red leaf lettuce for the best benefits in your salads.
  • Mangos. Though higher in calories, one cup of diced mango can provide 75 percent of your daily vitamin C recommendation.
  • Melons. Cantaloupes and honeydews should be heavy for their size and give off a sweet, melony smell. And watermelons aren't just refreshing, they help hydrate you and give you antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.
  • Nectarines. Look for firm fruits with smooth skin, and enjoy them for their delicious flavor and vitamin C.
  • Okra. Delicious grilled or in gumbo, this summer vegetable has an abundance of dietary fiber, vitamins A, C, and K, and folates.
  • Onions. Onions are high in polyphenols and flavonoids, which means good news for your cardiovascular system.
  • Oregano. Found in cuisines from the Mediterranean to Mexico, this herb is great for its antibacterial and antioxidant qualities.
  • Peas. These delicious and easy-to-eat legumes help support blood sugar regulation.
  • Peppers. Originally native to Central and South America, these spicy and sweet beauties contain lots of natural antioxidants.
  • Plums. Related to other stone fruits like peaches, nectarines, and apricots, these antioxidant-rich fruits are also great for helping with iron and vitamin C absorption.
  • Rhubarb. Rhubarb is good for more than just pie—it's a high source of potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
  • Spinach. As Popeye can attest, spinach is one of the most nutritious vegetables in the world, rich in lots of vitamins, and especially in iron and calcium.
  • StrawberriesStrawberries. Most strawberries are grown in California and Florida, where the peak growing season is April through June. Most other places will see local berries in July, just in time for an Independence Day celebration. Grab a bowlful and get ready for off-the-chart levels of vitamin C and fiber.
  • Summer squash and zucchini. Usually in season between May and July, these relatives of the melon are great for your heart.
  • Tarragon. This culinary herb has been used in medicine throughout history for such things as stimulating appetite and alleviating insomnia. It's also great for calcium, manganese, iron, and a bunch of vitamins.
  • Tomatillos. Little green cousins of gooseberries, these summer vegetables are high in niacin, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamin C.
  • Tomatoes. Vine-ripened varieties of tomatoes are in season from July through September. They're high in lycopene, a great antioxidant.
Cecilia H. Lee is a food and travel writer, an artist, and a chef. A James Beard Award nominee, she has authored several books. Her latest, Quick & Easy Mexican Cooking, includes delicious, nutritious Mexican recipes you can make in just 30 minutes or less. When she's not climbing a mountain somewhere, Cecilia writes, eats, and gardens in Los Angeles.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Healthy Kitchen- Plantain Tacos

You might not be familiar with the plantain, but once you’ve tried this amazing recipe from Club member Bethany Kiele, you’ll only want more! And check the Take Away Tip to see how you can add even more flavor to this tasty tropical treat!

If you want to find many more recipes like this, just click here.

7 Tips to Keep Cool on the Cheap

7 Tips to Keep Cool on the Cheap

By Joe Wilkes
Summer is almost upon us and that means heat, heat, heat. Here in California, we're always looking for ways to beat the heat. Other parts of the country are also likely to experience long, hot summers this year, and with the price of fuel and electricity going through the roof, cranking up the air conditioning seems like a less feasible option all the time. So what can you do besides sweating it out? Here are a few tips for keeping it cool.
Man Cooling Off in Front of a Fan and a Thermometer

  1. Drink yourself cool. But don't reach for the margaritas. Cool? Yes. Hydrating? No! The key to staying cool is to stay hydrated. And the best thing to drink, as always, is water. Try to avoid caffeine and alcohol, because they'll dehydrate you and make matters worse (although if you've passed out from drinking alcohol, you might not mind the heat so much). Herbal iced tea, lemonade (make your own but go easy on the sugar), and sparkling water are all great summer beverages.
  2. Hand closing window blindsEmbrace your inner vampire. Whether or not you have air conditioning, the sun is your worst enemy when you're trying to keep cool. By keeping your blinds and drapes closed during the day, you can keep your place cool without running up the air conditioning bill. If you don't have air conditioning and want to open your windows, lower the blinds to the height of the open windows and keep the windows covered on the side of your house where the sun's shining.
  3. Spice up your life. This may seem counterintuitive, but summer is the best time to eat spicy food. Think about cuisines from countries close to the equator, like Mexico, India, and Thailand, that incorporate chilies and curries. Spicy peppers cause your pores to open and let the cool air into your body. They'll also encourage you to drink more water!
  4. The poor man's air conditionerr. And I'm the poor man of whom I speak. During periods of poverty in my youth, I came up with the frozen-towel method of staying cool. Take a washcloth, a hand towel, or even a bath towel if it's really hot, dampen it, and stick it in the freezer. When it's stiff (though not frozen solid), remove it from the freezer and wrap it around your neck. Heaven! When it thaws, refreeze and repeat. If it's really hot, try doing the same with a T-shirt!
  5. Ice, ice, baby. Instead of always going to the big-box supermarket chains, check and see whether there are any farmers' markets and/or food co-ops in your area. The food will be fresher, cheaper, and hopefully not as coated with pesticides, waxes, or other unsavory elements. It's a good way to save money while supporting your local community's resources. Here you can get organic produce for the same price or cheaper than traditionally grown produce. It's also worth it to check out how your state defines "organic." Organic food is great, but if you're trying to save money, traditionally grown food isn't any less nutritious than organic; it may just need a little more scrubbing.
  6. FootFeet, don't fail me now. Keeping your feet cool is key to keeping your whole body cool. Soak your feet in a dishpan or bucket of cold water. Try wearing damp or frozen socks (see #4) to bed as well. It'll help fool your brain into thinking your whole body's cool.
  7. White is the new black. And anyone who's seen my wardrobe knows how painful this tip is for me. Black and dark-colored clothing absorb heat and will cook you like a potato in tinfoil. Wear white or light-colored clothing to reflect the heat. Loose-fitting clothing is also good—it'll allow a breeze to move through instead of trapping in the warmth.